We are excited to announce that at this year’s Charity Fraud Awareness Week, Ashley Fairbrother will be talking about the legal action that can be taken against those who commit fraud against charities. This talk is hosted by the Fraud Advisory Panel.
Charities often face situations where they have evidence of charitable fundraising events being held where the organisers claim to be raising funds for the charity, but then never provide the funds raised to the charity itself. This type of fraud costs charities millions each year in lost revenue that could have been going to help good charitable causes.
Understandably all charities are extremely concerned that the funds people donate are not going to the cause that they expect, but there is also additional concern that such fraud may make people dubious about donating to people holding legitimate events. It is therefore vitally important for charities to know what legal options are open to them in order to bring those that defraud them to justice and recover funds which should rightly go to them to give confidence to the public and legitimate fundraisers.
The talk will cover the following topics:
- How to use the criminal Justice system to seek justice and recover money;
- Options/strategies available to charities;
- Key considerations and potential benefits/pitfalls; and
- Case study examples
The talk will be taking place on 18 October 2021 between 12:00 pm and 13:00 pm.
A link to register to attend the event can be found below