Economic Espionage

Edmonds Marshall McMahon investigates and prosecutes the full range of offences under the criminal law. This includes economic espionage, which is the unlawful targeting and theft of economic intelligence, such as trade secrets and intellectual property – it is conducted for commercial reasons, instead of for purely national security reasons. We have extensive experience in conducting successful investigations and prosecutions of economic espionage cases, as well as cybercrime cases more broadly.

Alongside our lawyers, we have a dedicated investigations team comprising former investigators from the Serious Fraud Office (“SFO”) and detectives from the Metropolitan Police. We work closely with our firm’s investigators to gather the best evidence to take cases forward. These investigators are well experienced in the unique challenges that result from companies and individuals being targeted by spies. We do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach to investigating economic espionage and pride ourselves on our imaginative approach to cases, which yields exceptional results for our clients.

Given what is at stake, we understand that these cases require very careful handling, as well as urgent and effective action. A private prosecution enables victims to take swift and critical action against perpetrators. The nature of economic espionage means that it often spans multiple jurisdictions. Our team is experienced in identifying perpetrators from across the globe and advising on mutual legal assistance and extradition.

As you may know, cybercrime investigations and prosecutions generate a vast amount of electronic material. At Edmonds Marshall McMahon, we are experts on evidence gathering, e-disclosure and document review. We can provide a rapid and comprehensive service to the influx of data that is generated from cybercrime cases, including economic espionage.

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