Perverting the Course of Justice

Edmonds Marshall McMahon frequently conducts prosecutions for perverting the course of justice and perjury. The victims of conduct designed by others to frustrate or hinder the administration of justice often pay a devastating and life-changing personal price. We understand the impact of this type of offence and are experienced in bringing those responsible to justice. Examples of our recent cases include:

  • A trader found to be lying on oath in Commercial Court proceedings;
  • Lies told during the course of divorce proceedings by both a husband and a wife (separate cases);
  • False adverse possession claims in which a neighbour attempted to steal another’s land via a land registry application and subsequent county court proceedings;
  • A husband who attempted to remove his wife from their house in occupation and possession proceedings, during which he lied on oath;
  • A false allegation of harassment made against a client involving police misconduct;
  • Investigative impropriety by law enforcement authorities including dishonesty.

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